
Be Location Safe

Everyone wants your location. Because its valuable.

Be Smart!

Don't let companies harvest and sell your geolocation data.

They are profiting while you take all the risk! Our free guide gives you all the details on how to Stop leaking and Clean up the spills.

If your threat level is low, all the instructions are available for you to do it yourself. If your threat level is higher, we are happy to help! 

Only ObscureIQ's Footprint Wipe service will effectively delete your Location History from data brokers.

Is your threat level Low?
Try our Do-It-Yourself Location Safety Tips!

To be Location Safe, you must 1) Stop leaking your location and 2) Clean up your location data spills.

Disable Specific App Tracking

Stops specific apps from tracking you.
Blocks invasive apps, esp. large platforms.
Facebook, Insta, Messenger, TikTok, YT, GMaps, Uber, Amazon, LinkedIn, X/Twitter, Snapchat.

Auto Delete after X Days

You can also choose to automatically delete your location history after a certain period of time: 3 Months, 18 Months, or 36 Months.

Disable Global Ad Tracking

Stops majority of location data leakage.
Removes the ability of AdTech to track you
and share your info via your Mobile Ad ID (MAID).

Delete All Google Map Data

Delete your loc history stored by Google Maps. Maps holds tons of location history. Other suspects include: social media, weather, & fitness tracking apps.

Enable Airplane Mode

Quick toggle to disable your phone's ability to share its location. GPS is still enabled, but cellular, Bluetooth, and Wi-Fi are off, preventing communication of location.
[Your phone is mostly incommunicado in this state.]

Delete All Location History

Delete your location history stored by the
Google/Apple ecosystems. Note that it will likely be in more than one location.


Disable Location Services

Disabling Location Services effectively halts most forms of location tracking. It turns off your GPS.
[Apps like Maps will not work.]

Even with Location Services turned off, your phone is susceptible to tracking. This can happen via cell towers, public Wi-Fi, cell site simulators (stingrays), Bluetooth, IP addresses, and malware.

You are pretty safe with Loc Services off, unless you are being targeted by law enforcement, governments, or bad actors.

Wipe Location History from Data Brokers

Deleting your location history from your phone does NOT delete it from the 400+ location brokers who have collected it and are selling it. You will need to submit requests to each for removal.

The only viable alternative we know of is an
Obscure Footprint Wipe.
Unlike other data deletion services, it purges location history.

How it works

Experts Discuss Location Data

In The Hot Seat Ep. 28: Location Privacy
Michael, Kristy, and Jeff talk about how our leaky location data impacts privacy and security.