Footprint Services

Obscure offers you the BEST in data deletion services.

Our DeepDelete tech cleanses your footprint in ways others simply do not. We know more about the data broker ecosystem and how to influence it.

But often it's about MORE than just wiping your footprint.

You can't delete what you don't know about. That's why we start every high end delete with an audit. We want to know where all of your data is and understand every index and selector a bad actor might use against you. This information is REQUIRED for a deep footprint cleanse.

Digital Footprint Services


We conduct comprehensive risk assessments to help you understand your threat surface.

Our deep knowledge of the data broker ecosystem allows us to identify and locate more of your data than other services. This in-depth understanding is a cornerstone of our advanced DeepDelete technology, enabling us to thoroughly eliminate your digital footprint.

See what information about you is exposed online. Understand how it can be used against you.


If your risk is high and your threat is real, you want the best in data deletion. Obscure offers you that.

Our DeepDelete tech goes wider and deeper than other services. Up to 1000 data brokers and a deeper cleanse within those brokers, such that bad actors will have a much tougher time finding you.

We delete records and indexes other services don't or can't.

Exceptional data deletions with DeepDelete tech. We own the largest database of brokers in the world.


Not all clients want to completely erase their digital presence.

For those who prefer optimization, we offer surgical deletions of specific types of information, such as address and location data.

We can also help manage and enhance your search results, removing negative content and/or promoting positive content. Our expertise includes eliminating challenging public records and creating favorable digital content.

Optimize your digital presence by selectively deleting sensitive information and enhancing positive search results.


Our team excels in conducting digital investigations to track down bad actors.

With access to advanced tools and resources, we have a proven track record of success.

We can also assist in recovering lost or stolen cryptocurrency, leveraging our extensive investigative capabilities.

Track down bad actors and recover lost assets with our expert digital investigations.

Schedule your Footprint Wipe or Consultation

Privacy and cybersecurity experts are available.


Why do people love Obscure?